
The Path From "NO HOPE" to Goodness!

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."  Dale Carnegie

Are you in an impossible situation? Does there seem to be no hope at all for you or for your situation? 

None of us would choose to be in one of these situations. But, as I write I am in one.  If I believe that all things work together for good, then I too must choose to believe that this situation will work for good in my situation.  Another truth - 'good' doesn't mean 'easy.' So . . . am I willing to face being uneasy for the sake of good? YES!

It's taken me years to get to the place where I give a resounding 'YES' to that question.But my walk with God and knowing of His faithfulness brings a resounding 'YES!'

Could it possibly be that pressing through my 'impossible situation' will allow me to tell my story and encourage others who face similar situations? I believe it will. 

 Some of my favorite people are the ones who have faced insurmountable odds and overcome them. They are the friends that are the most gracious, most encouraging, warm and willing to listen. They have grown sweeter through their difficulties and are full of wisdom for others.

We each have a choice to make when we face insurmountable odds; whether to grow in graciousness or bitterness.

I choose graciousness! How about you . . . are you facing insurmountable odds? Join me in on the path of growth and of grace. :-) We can cheer each other on as we wait for the good that is promised to come forth.

Waiting . . .


  1. Good word, Debbie. Needed this today.

  2. Always in everything a grateful heart triumphs! Facing some challenges today myself. Praying for you guys. Love you

  3. Deby,

    That was truly uplifting! Helpful just when I felt like hope fading. Thinking of you

  4. I'm with you on this dear friend....Sending love and hugs to you and Kirk. We sure miss you.

  5. This seems to be a time in our lives when so many of our friends and colleagues are overwhelmed with sorrow. We all need this reminder that when you are in God's hand, there is never a time when there is NO hope. He is our source of hope. Thanks, Deby.

  6. Oh Dear Deby~ Don't 'wait'.....but begin to call those things that be not as though they are! Call your 'havest'in, In Jesus Name! And I, too, join you in agreement, not only for your harvest, but mine, too! THIS IS OUR TIME!! OUR GREATEST DAYS ARE AHEAD, IN JESUS NAME! EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE, ALRIGHT FOR THOSE IN THE HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH! Miss Jan

  7. Wonderful, inspiring post, Deby. In the world's eyes, it seems we stay in that "impossible situation." I like to think that, if we can "stand" instead of merely staying, and continually come to the end of ourselves, we are giving God the widest berth to show Himself strong in those times---making them exciting and life-giving because we KNOW it could only be His work. Be blessed and keep on keepin' on ;). xo

  8. How timely your post Deby. Interestingly enough, after I read my morning devotional, "And God is able to make all grace abound... 2 Cor 9:8) my "prayer drive" to work was a request that He grant me grace for the day. Then I come home and read your words of encourgement - coincidence?? not - A God nod indeed. Thanks.

  9. Looks like I hit a nerve with this post! I do understand that many are facing situations they never thought they'd find themselves in.

    If I can be of any help to you all please let me know. You can contact me at

    Together we'll survive. Alone . . . I'm not so sure.

  10. All things are truly possible with God. Our perspective is human, but God's perspective is divine. We are created to give Him glory. Sometimes that comes through "impossible" situations.

    Hope you are as encouraged by the comments posted to your blog post as we the readers are encouraged by your sharing : )

  11. Deby,
    When we read the accounts of the "heroes (and heroines) of faith throughout scripture and throughout history, the mistake is to believe their faith is somehow supernaturally charged from the start. No, the lesson I'm learning is the battle is fought each day. And somehow, before we know why we're fighting, something our personality won't allow us to hold on to status quo or go along with the culture around us. That is the supernatural faith develops, is nurtured and eventually yields the return where we all benefit.

    So, yes, we fight, we struggle and yet we continue. We get knocked down, oh so often. Sometimes we have aches and pains that have no physical origin and yet we fight "manfully onward," determined to press on to what others cannot see.

    Thank you, Deby, for telling "our story." It is encouragement for that person who may on the verge of swimming in the direction of the stream, rather than up. It is that needed boost for the person who knows the big awkward wings (dreams and goals) are too much for the neighborhood or country road they call home. These are the very words of life!
